Love is blind it is said. This is never truer than in the home buying process. Falling in love with a home can sometimes blind you to its faults and flaws. Before you sign on the dotted line to commit to buying a home that you love, take the valuable step of calling a home inspector.
A home inspector looks at a home with unbiased eyes. They’re not in love with the reading nook or the mud room. They’re looking for cracks in the foundation or a roof that will soon need replacing. Better to spend just a couple hundred dollars to look at this potential new home of yours through the inspector’s objective point of view, than to end up with a money-pit or worse disaster.
The inspector may often reveal issues that can be addressed by the seller before negotiating a price with the buyer – giving the buyer an edge. Expect an inspector to take up to four hours to look at some of these structural components of your potential home:
- Foundation and Basement
- Roof and Attic
- Walls, Floors and Ceilings
- Doors and Windows
- Plumbing
- Electrical System
Once you have your inspector’s report, look for major issues and talk to your real estate agent about your path forward. With an eyes-wide-open inspection, you can find a home you love and make a smart, informed purchase decision.