Prepare to Host Thanksgiving in your Home

Is it your turn to host Thanksgiving this year? Make it easy (and fun) on yourself with a couple of tips:

Invite people to help. As much as some people don’t want to host, most people don’t mind bringing a dish to pass, even if they’re driving a fair distance. If Aunt Thelma loves to make her special sweet potato surprise, by all means …

Decorate place settings. Try to make things more fun than usual with a decorative nametag at each seat. A turkey, a pilgrim hat, a leaf arrangement—something with a little flair will add some visual fun to an otherwise routine meal.

Quiz time. Speaking of fun, if you really want to make some memories, ask everyone coming to the meal ahead of time for one fun fact that at least some people in the room may not know about them. As people are eating, ask questions and make a contest out of it. For example, pass out pieces of paper and ask people to write the question number and name for each question. The people who stump the most win something from the host!

Give thanks. And finally, in keeping with the spirit of the day, make time to express your gratitude for your blessings—and for those seated around you!