Pump up the Pumpkin

Oh, if you haven’t smelled it yet, just stand outside and take a good long whiff. You’ll get it—pumpkin. And lots of it.

Any why not? That past few years have been nothing short of a Medieval pumpkin siege of everything autumn. Cakes, coffees, table centerpieces, pies, car decals, more cakes, candles, essential oils, candies and assorted scented doo-dads for around the house. Did we say cake?

Of course, if food is your thing (and headed into Thanksgiving, amen to that), then a few new pumpkin recipes wouldn’t hurt a thing (you’re welcome). And if autumn decorating is what you look forward to, there’s still time to get your orange on before the snow flies.

Outside or in, try a few pumpkin planters for your perennials or houseplants. Or you could try weaving a few pumpkin-themed garlands around your doorframes, windows, countertops or even stair railings. Or, if you don’t want to be that committed, try some assorted window clings around the house, just for a light touch.

Then again, who wants a light touch this time of year? You can make your home a pumpkin paradise with an assortment of candles or scented oils, one for every room. In addition, you could bake some pumpkin bread and let the smell of the real thing waft around the kitchen and dining room all day long. Throw a pumpkin latte K-cup in the coffee machine, slice yourself a generous wedge of your favorite pie and feel the crisp air on your face.

Pumpkin season is here. Enjoy every last orange minute. It’ll be gone too soon!